

Lido is a collection of short stories by Lily Selthofner.

Excerpts from Raphael and Giuseppe are featured in Acqua Alta

Acqua Alta – Show Video

Acqua Alta show program booklet

Images from the Show

Olga – Excerpt from Lido


by Lily Selthofner

I wallow in toxic waves and long for unswimmable waters. Always just out of reach, out of control – born in fruitless, putrid, knowing worlds. Unruly seas steer my boat, overboarding passengers into stormy depths. Treasured mysteries lie on my floors, asleep in the canal beds. I watch from above as you sink into my muddy secrets and count on my fingers until your ascent– hoping you can hold your breath long enough. 

People meet eyes in different ways, exposing and obscuring. Ancestors creak the doors in our mind-homes, to peek between living blinks. We toss glances and smiles like dice onto the cobblestones of insignificance. 

I change landscapes by keeping divine self promises.  I leave trails of gold-thread infinity, wading with strangers in my waters through the seas which once drowned me.