Map to Nowhere – Flower Garden

Sometimes people feel like fish out of water.
This short film and visual art piece are components of a performance art work exploring stillness, created for the Performance Art course at Columbia University.
Created February 2023.
A poem by Lily Selthofner, November 2, 2021, Manhattan, NY.
‘Uphill battles should never be climbed –
find a perch, enjoy the view
nostalgic perceptions
wander towards the present
where I may seek to take an easy step with you.’
I painted this piece while sitting in front of a pond.
This piece is a loose watercolor inspired by Lake Michigan.
The piece reveals dualities: of evergreens and deciduous reds — youthful in death, floating away, or falling, awaiting rebirth. From near and far, the trees see and know each other.
A Forest by Lily Selthofner. watercolor on paper, 5″x7″